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TL881 Automated DLT Tape Library Solution

Hewlett Packard TL881 Automated DLT Tape Library SolutionTL891 DLT Library can provide years of fully automated operation for backup, save and restore, and hierarchical storage management of critical data when coupled with a wide array of qualified industry-standard backup applications.

The TL891 is offered as a standalone tabletop unit or as a scalable / stackable rack mount unit, with a removable 10 cartridge magazine, and integral bar code reader and either one or two Compaq DLT 35/70 drives.

The TL891 is built on a modular concept, offering unparalleled scalability and the ability to custom configure a rack mount solution to meet specific performance and capacity requirements

Capacity 35/70GB

Tape Type DLT
Native Capcity 35GB
Interface Type SCSI
Enclosure Type External
Native Data Transfer Rate 5Mbps
Compressed Capacity 70GB
Data Transfer Rate - Compressed 10Mbps
  • Expedite shipping available
  • Call us for a price: +31 6512 612 54